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  • ESG Cockpit test days in October 2024 in Lochau & Vienna

    Familiarize yourself with a reliable tool for digital ESG reporting After the successful test day in June 2024 in Vienna, Best Practice Reporting Austria invites you to the ESG Cockpit test days in October 2024 in Bregenz and Vienna. akaryon GmbH introduces the ESG Cockpit for sustainability management and reporting. You can get a non-bindingContinue…

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  • Redesign of the ESG Cockpit

    ESG Cockpit with optimized form and function In addition to managing data points, we continuously work on the user interface of the ESG Cockpit. In all our design updates, functionality remains central to our focus. New features for those managing large volumes of data Recent practical enhancements include: These updates ensure that working with complexContinue…

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  • d&b SustainSymphony: Newly launched – already awarded

    Sustainability solution d&b SustainSymphony received innovation award in UK In May 2024, we announced the launch of d&b SustainSymphony. Today, around three months later, we received the news that the tool has been honored with the PLASA Award for Innovation. Sustainable event management based on the ESG Cockpit technology d&b SustainSymphony is a platform forContinue…

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  • ORCA Climate Protection Academy offers course on climate neutrality in SMEs

    7 training days spread over the months of September to December 2024 Managers, management consultants and other game changers learn how they can promote climate neutrality in small and medium-sized companies in a training course organized by the Climate Protection Academy. The training 6 modules combine theory and practice on the topic of climate neutralityContinue…

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  • Webinar: Submit for Styrian municipal quality seal “Goldener Boden” via new ESG portal

    Achieve recognition for economic friendliness and manage it sustainably Since spring 2024, the new ESG portal of the “Goldener Boden” initiative, established in 2007, has been online. Through the platform, municipalities can apply for the quality seal, showcase individual projects, and find opportunities for data management and analysis to sustainably develop their location. Additionally, bestContinue…

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  • ESG management in challenging times: akaryon at the Cleantech Cluster Upper Austria Sustainability Brunch

    akaryon exhibits at Upper Austria’s leading event for sustainability management “ESG despite challenging times: opportunity or risk?” was the central question at the 6th Sustainability Brunch of the Cleantech Cluster Upper Austria, held on April 24, 2024, in Linz. We firmly believe it represents an opportunity. We participated as an exhibitor, joining other pioneers fromContinue…

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  • Best Practice Reporting Austria organizes ESG Cockpit test day

    Discover solutions for digital ESG and corporate reporting Best Practice Reporting Austria invites to the Software-as-a-Service test days on June 17th and 18th, 2024. The spotlight is on ESG and corporate reporting solutions: Test the ESG Cockpit on your own laptop – on June 17, 2024, in Vienna The solutions can be tested on ownContinue…

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  • “Goldener Boden” ESG portal: Digital tool for strengthening sustainable business locations in Styria

    The “Goldener Boden” initiative was launched in 2007 by the Styrian Economic Chamber. Up to now, the “Goldener Boden” quality seal has been awarded to municipalities and cities that act particularly business-friendly. Starting from 2024, with new criteria and reference to the SDGs, the aspect of sustainability will also be included in the evaluation, andContinue…

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  • d&b SustainSymphony: ESG portal for the event industry

    Platform for greening the event industry launched A new cloud service platform offers stakeholders in the events industry a simple and structured approach to define sustainability strategies for events and measure their impact: d&b SustainSymphony – accessible at the web address The platform was developed based on ESG Portal technology, an adaptation of theContinue…

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  • ESG management according to ESRS to fulfill the CSRD obligation – and more!

    ESRS reporting and all the approaches included in it, from materiality analysis, strategy, target and measure development to indicator monitoring, can develop green transition dynamics. We support you in this! We recommend webinar programs consisting of five units, for example, which provide optimal support during the introduction of CSRD. From unit to unit, you willContinue…

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  • Kickoff webinar in the ESRS launch year!

    On February 21, 2024, we exclusively presented the ESRS roadmap to our customers.ESRS is fully implemented in the ESG cockpit.We are not just concerned with “the bare minimum”, but with maximum efficiency and benefits:The ESG cockpit therefore (also) becomes an ESRS cockpit, and guides users step by step through the process, generating reports and meaningfulContinue…

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  • ESG meets financial accounting: Simplifying CO2 emission calculation and ESRS reporting!

    Challenge for tax advisory firms: European Standards for Sustainability Reporting (ESRS) Given the enforcement of regulatory requirements such as the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), an increasing number of tax consulting firms are facing new challenges. Their clients now require not only meaningful financial reporting but also various “ESG reports” to address inquiries from theContinue…

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  • WK ClimatePortal online: Efficiently create & communicate climate balances

    Prepared for challenges like CSRD, EU Taxonomy, and Supply Chain Act With the new ClimatePortal of the Austrian Economic Chambers, companies with chamber membership can collect climate data, create climate balances, and take initial steps towards ESG reporting for free. The climate indicator accompanies the journey towards Net Zero 2040 Here’s how it works: 1.Continue…

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  • Webinar: Functions and legal framework of the WK ClimatePortal

    A webinar on January 31, 2024, provided insights into the legal background of climate accounting for businesses and the new ClimatePortal developed by the ESG Cockpit team on the initiative of the Salzburg Economic Chamber. Recordings of the webinar are available on the website of the Salzburg Economic Chamber. Here you can learn more aboutContinue…

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  • Getting support for ESG projects

    The Austrian federal states offer interesting funding options to support the implementation of sustainability projects. Taking a closer look at Tyrol, for example, reveals the following opportunities: PLANNING 1 Day for Sustainable Transformation: Get 24 hours of professional CSR consulting funded Funded CSR and sustainability consultations by the Tyrol Economic Chamber and the Federal StateContinue…

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