Best Practice Reporting Austria organizes ESG Cockpit test day

May 22, 2024

Discover solutions for digital ESG and corporate reporting

Best Practice Reporting Austria invites to the Software-as-a-Service test days on June 17th and 18th, 2024.

The spotlight is on ESG and corporate reporting solutions:

  • The Austrian company akaryon GmbH introduces the ESG Cockpit for sustainability management and reporting.
  • The Swiss company mms presents the corporate reporting editorial systems ns.publish and

Test the ESG Cockpit on your own laptop – on June 17, 2024, in Vienna

The solutions can be tested on own devices in small groups and guided by experts. June 17 is dedicated to the ESG Cockpit:

There will be an introduction to setting up an account (creating timeframes and nodes for locations to be investigated), and data management will be explained (input, output, reporting). A focus will be on reporting according to European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), materiality and EU Taxonomy.

Where: Markhof – Das Dorf in der Stadt | Markhofgasse 19 | 1030 Vienna
When: Monday, June 17, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Cost contribution for 1 person: EUR 295 (net)

Special pricing for participating in both test days + early bird discount

The ns.publish / test day will take place at the same location on the following day, June 18, 2024, also from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mensalia and mms guide you through. Solutions for, among others, the automated, cloud-based creation of integrated annual reports will be presented here. Participation in this event also costs EUR 295 (net).

Should you wish to attend both days and test both tools, we offer you a 2-day ticket for 1 person for EUR 499 (net).

For registrations before May 30, 2024, or group tickets with 3 or more participants per company for both test days, you will receive a 10% discount. Please note: Due to the limited number of participants, booking confirmation will only be sent upon receipt of the participation fee.

Sign up here to participate!

Please indicate upon registration whether you will be attending one or both days and how many people you would like to register!

Best Practice Reporting Austria is an initiative launched in 2012 for knowledge and experience exchange to promote quality in corporate reporting and financial communication. Activities include elaborating specialist publications as well as the organization of workshops, seminars, lectures, discussions, and further education.

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