ESG management in challenging times: akaryon at the Cleantech Cluster Upper Austria Sustainability Brunch

kraml - May 22, 2024

akaryon exhibits at Upper Austria’s leading event for sustainability management

ESG despite challenging times: opportunity or risk?” was the central question at the 6th Sustainability Brunch of the Cleantech Cluster Upper Austria, held on April 24, 2024, in Linz. We firmly believe it represents an opportunity. We participated as an exhibitor, joining other pioneers from business and research to provide insights into practical solutions for implementing sustainability strategies.

ESG-Cockpit & co: suitable tools to meet new reporting requirements

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) expands the range of companies required to report on sustainability, supply chain regulations, such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), demand due diligence beyond one’s own company – business partners must also be included in the analysis, particularly regarding Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions in a company’s value chain).

akaryon presented solutions for the management and reporting of sustainability data, that efficiently accompany reporting entities on their way to the necessary certificates and help them navigate through audits. One of our flagship solutions, the ESG-Cockpit, enables data collection according to individual and industry-specific desired combinations of standards, allowing the reuse of collected data for multiple requirements.

Not taking action is the real risk

We were in the right place with our offers, as Josef Baumüller from the Vienna University of Technology, who this year was responsible for an event program segment on insights from the first 2024 reporting season under CSRD & ESRS, already advised 2023:

“Companies should think compatibly in their CSRD reports and approach so that they can implement extensions in their reporting […].”.

Dr. Josef Baumüller, TU Wien

Non-compliance with legal requirements can also result in fines. Thus, we return to the event’s central theme and conclude: It is a risk not to deal with ESG (environmental, social and governance aspects of doing business).

The Sustainability Brunch was organized by the Cleantech Cluster Upper Austria in cooperation with OÖNachrichten, Payer & Partner ESG-Consulting, and Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria. This format has been in existence for five years, with participant numbers nearly tripling since its launch. We have participated in previous years as well, such as in the 4th Sustainability Brunch.

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