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We keep you informed about new developments in the world of sustainability.

  • The newly published ESRS (European Sustainable Reporting Standard) for the implementation of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive)

    The CSRD Directive is an extension of the EU’s existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) of 2014 and aims to expand the reporting obligations of companies. The CSRD will require more companies to produce comprehensive sustainability reports. This should help companies integrate sustainability into their business strategies and ensure long-term value creation for all stakeholders. In……

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  • The EU Taxonomy Regulation new definitions of criteria for environmental objectives 3-6

    General The EU Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852) was adopted in 2020 and aims to create clarity and transparency, in particular through uniform criteria for reporting and distinguishing between sustainable and non-sustainable investments, expenses and sales.. It is thus an essential part of the EU’s efforts to contribute to the European Green Deal and counteract greenwashing by……

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  • Green Monopoly – a game with a future

    It is not the luck of the dice that is decisive here, but strategic thinking: Which of the many proposed measures will lead to the goal of reducing CO₂ emissions by 15% in the entire organization? We developed the simulation game for social work students as part of the ERASMUS project eco3. Participants take on……

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  • Conclusion Greentech Cluster Webinar Series Climate Footprint

    On June 14, it was exciting again – which insights arise in the exchange of all participants after our combi webinar series: Get to know ESG data management digitally with the ESG Cockpit. This time it was a lot about the interlocking of ESG data management and innovation processes and how such approaches can be……

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  • Navigate with ease through the ESG labyrinth!

    With ESG-Cockpit to your sustainability goals Don’t be afraid of the ESG term confusion: Sit in the cockpit and enjoy the overview: Want to build or perfect your sustainability reporting? Create a carbon footprint? Or report comprehensively according to different reporting standards? With ESG-Cockpit you have the right tool for your individual CSR reporting and……

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  • Carbon footprint input at CIRA conference, May 31, 2023

    ESG-Cockpit will have a booth at the current conference.Topics: Everything between carbon footprint and ESRS – and how we can best deal with this digitally! Program: CIRA-ESG-Conference: Managing Business Sustainably: ESG – Trends & Perspectives (german) Website:

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  • Sustainability strategy for the Airpower

    Making the Airpower event greener together The first step was to collect data from the last event – with the active participation of those responsible for the event from the Austrian Armed Forces. Equipped with the respective input rights, the data was meticulously collected and entered into the ESG Cockpit.The key figures calculated by the……

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  • Webinar Series “ESG Reporting 2023”

    incl. introduction to the European Sustainability Reporting Standard ESRS Organized by: Netzwerk Verantwortung Zeigen in cooperation with akaryon Many companies are in the process of putting the management of sustainability information on a professional foundation. This requires structuring the necessary information according to reporting requirements (GRI, CSRD, GHG Protocol….) and an underlying ordered and expandable……

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  • Climate neutrality in SMEs

    We need courageous multipliers who accompany companies on their way to climate neutrality based on science and facts. Klimaschutz-Akademie Wien Klimaschutz-Akademie West

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  • Online workshop “Green Transformation Cards – 100 measures on the way to climate neutrality in the company”

    organized by the Green Tech Valley Cluster Date: January 24, 2023 at 3 pm Agenda:15:00 Introduction15:10 Application Maps & Canvas, Bernhard Puttinger Green Tech Valley Cluster15:30 Input from the authors, Helmut Aschbacher GRETA, Margit Kapfer Denkstatt15:40 ESG Cockpit, Petra Bußwald akaryon15:45 Company Best-Practice Examples15:55 Outlook Green Transformation Cards (german)

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  • Getting started with ESG data management – invitation to the workshop series

    EU taxonomy, Green Deal or Supply Chain Act transform the economy and lead us into a sustainable future. The requirements for companies regarding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data management are thus increasingly increasing – for large, but also small and medium-sized companies. This series of workshops is aimed at beginners, environmental officers and interested……

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  • Invitation – Event “R&D and Sustainability for SMEs

    What services and subsidies are available for SMEs investing in research and development activities? How can SMEs become active in the area of sustainability? The funding landscape at regional, national and European level offers a wide range of support options for innovation and research projects. Sustainability requirements from EU plans such as the Green Deal……

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  • Integration of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

    Even if the operational introduction of the CSRD Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (COM/2021/189 final) and the associated new European Reporting Standard (ESRS) is delayed: We are already working on its integration in the ESG Cockpit and recommend in any case to take steps in this direction at an early stage! In particular, because the required……

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  • Petra Bußwald at the 4th Sustainability Brunch in Linz

    ESG reporting: Don’t just talk – do! How? Representatives of renowned institutions and companies (CTC, WU Vienna, akaryon, ICT Impact GmbH, Payer & Partner, Oberbank) reported on national and international trends, sustainability management in practice, practical ways out of the energy and climate crisis, the increasing importance of ESG in the capital sector (taxonomy) and,……

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  • CSRD on approach – tighten ESG screws!

    High time to tighten the ESG screws. New challenges, new opportunities? When it comes to ESG, no stone is left unturned in reporting. Reliable and comprehensible data is a must. With ESG-Cockpit, you have the right tool for standardized CSR reporting and sustainability management. This saves you time, money and nerves.Steer your company on a……

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