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We keep you informed about new developments in the world of sustainability.
ESG – the new real estate standard
ESG scoring model for real estate assets In the web talk series ‘Future Business Case’, Petra Bußwald discusses with renowned experts the opportunities that the new real estate standard brings and how the ESG cockpit can be used sustainably here. More about this also in the social networks: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CY9Q8uxjIjc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link LinkedIn + Event: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6889954038092218369 Xing: https://www.xing.com/pages/colliers Twitter: https://twitter.com/ColliersGermany/status/1484191898956750848
ESG-Cockpit and Climate Alliance
We are pleased that Climate Alliance Austria now presents our ESG Cockpit as Climate Alliance “Idea of the Month” and that we have an ESG Cockpit partnership with Climate Alliance Frankfurt. akaryon and “climate alliances” from several countries have been working together for many years, after all.Together with Climate Alliance Austria – together also with……
Do not worry about the EU taxonomy
In ESG cockpit we integrale existing and upcoming reporting standards and obligations regarding non-financial information (NFI).We are already working on the EU taxonomy Module, although the taxonomy is still work in progress.It is our aim, to provide a solution that makes taxonomy handling as easy as possible. Furthermore, it shall be integrated with other standards,……
2020: The first sustainability report from the Environment Agency Austria
From the environmental statement to a comprehensive sustainability report with the ESG cockpit As the most important environmental expert in Austria and one of the leading environmental consultants in Europe, the Federal Environment Agency has drawn up an environmental declaration in recent years in which the EMAS-certified company has mapped its activities in accordance with……
The ESG cockpit with the common good module on the IÖB platform – awarded!
Public procurement that promotes innovation Under this motto, the IÖB platform is building a digital bridge between innovative companies and innovative public organizations with the innovation platform www.ioeb-innovationsplattform.at. We got mail from the IÖB: ‘… Your solution“ ESG-Cockpit: CSR reporting for the common good, digitally supported ”is now available on the Innovation marketplace with the……
Apple links bonuses to social values and environmental standards
ESG standards are increasingly finding their way into high finance and the requirements of the largest international corporations: The financial targets should be pursued of course, according to the specification to the management in the Apple group. However, a further goal was defined: “high standards of value-based management” should be guaranteed, above all through compliance……
On the way to binding sustainability reporting
Brigitte Frey reports on respact.at about clearly recognizable tendencies in the efforts of the EU “… That doesn’t make sense! Whom does it concern? It’s going to be way too complicated! High time! … There are many points of view on this emotionally charged topic.” The experienced auditor and current chairman of the non-financial reporting……
ESG-Cockpit climate balance module in the WIN Styria funding program
The Styria Economic Initiative for Sustainability (WIN) supports companies that want to implement a project with a sustainability focus together with a consultant. The pool of consultants only includes people who can prove that they have the necessary skills. The WIN management has published detailed information on the current campaign ‘Climate Accounting’ and is available……
Economy of the Common Good module – completion of the beta phase and release with many new features
June 2020 – ESG-Cockpit proudly presents: The Economy of the Common Good module has switched from beta to real operation. We are pleased that we can offer the world’s first fully digital common good reporting tool. And there’s more to it than that: this tool can – optionally – be optimally dovetailed with other reporting……
ASRA 2020: Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award
Submissions are very welcome till September 14th, 2020. Apply now! Autrian companies are asked for proposals – the “Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award” (ASRA). Conditions and the form for participation are online at the website of the Austrian Chamber of Tax Advisors and Chartered Accountants (KSW). Susanne Hasenhüttl (ÖGUT) is part of the selection panel. Austrian……
WallStreet: Climate Risks are Investment Risks as well
Dominik Cofalka about ESG: Already read it? The largest investor in the world is cracking down on the ESG criteria this year. Black Rock refuses to discharge supervisory boards of Daimler, Lufthansa, Uniper or Heidelberger Cement at the annual general meeting! This has never happened before. Conclusion: Wall Street – and susequently regional institutional investors……
Economy of Common Good – an additional module of ESG-Cockpit
In co-operation with the two common good experts and matrix developers MMag. Sigrid Koloo and Dr. Angela Drosg-Plöckinger (Forum Tomorrow) we have prepared the requirements of the ECG workbook into a digital, easy-to-edit form. The tool allows flexible data collection and simultaneous calculations of ecological, social and economic key figures of the ECG matrix, as……
The ESG-Cockpit in use with Styrian WIN-consultants
Climate accounting is offered to interested companies within the framework of a pilot project by the consultants of the Wirtschaftsinitiative Nachhaltigkeit Steiermark (WIN). After two introductory workshops for the consultants to get to know the tool, the projects start in very different companies – from micro enterprises to companies with many locations, different approaches for……
The sustainability of a company determines its value
In an interview BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said that more and more investors will use the company’s impact on society, politics and the environment to determine its value over the next five years. At the Dealbook Conference hosted by the New York Times in winter 2018, the CEO of Blackrock Inc., who is mostly referred……
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