WK ClimatePortal online: Efficiently create & communicate climate balances

Prepared for challenges like CSRD, EU Taxonomy, and Supply Chain Act With the new ClimatePortal of the Austrian Economic Chambers, companies with chamber membership can collect climate data, create climate balances, and take initial steps towards ESG reporting for free. The climate indicator accompanies the journey towards Net Zero 2040 Here’s how it works: 1.Continue Reading >

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Webinar: Functions and legal framework of the WK ClimatePortal

A webinar on January 31, 2024, provided insights into the legal background of climate accounting for businesses and the new ClimatePortal developed by the ESG Cockpit team on the initiative of the Salzburg Economic Chamber. Recordings of the webinar are available on the website of the Salzburg Economic Chamber. Here you can learn more aboutContinue Reading >

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Getting support for ESG projects

The Austrian federal states offer interesting funding options to support the implementation of sustainability projects. Taking a closer look at Tyrol, for example, reveals the following opportunities: PLANNING 1 Day for Sustainable Transformation: Get 24 hours of professional CSR consulting funded Funded CSR and sustainability consultations by the Tyrol Economic Chamber and the Federal StateContinue Reading >

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Sustainability event, at which our new carbon footprint platform will also be presented!

In cooperation with the Umweltbundesamt, akaryon has developed a carbon footprint platform on the initiative of the Federal Economic Chamber Salzburg and Austria. The platform supports companies on the transformation path and towards ESG sustainability obligations in the first steps towards climate accounting. The platform will be presented at the event “Green Deal: Neue Berichtspflichten”Continue Reading >

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ESG-Cockpit at the Digital Finance Forum 2023

Holistic transformation of finance management On October 19th and 20th, 2023, the Digital Finance Forum 2023 offers an overview of new technologies and processes for the sustainable transformation of the finance industry. Best practice examples and live demonstrations will be presented. Professionals and executives will share insights into experiences and strategies in the fields ofContinue Reading >

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Sustainnovation – how radical innovations succeed in the transformation to sustainability

Spirit Design and akaryon would like to invite you to the final event of the Sustainnovation project. For more than a year, a project partially funded by the FFG, has been conducting research in dialogue with many stakeholders and experts on how radically sustainable innovations can increase the pace of transformation towards a more sustainableContinue Reading >

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Website of Service Partner Klima-Bündnis

Our service partner in Germany, Klima-Bündnis Services GmbH, has updated their website to ESG Cockpit:https://esgcockpit-services.com Especially German municipalities, administration and municipal companies will find information and contact persons around the application of ESG-Cockpit.Webinars and individual support are offered on an ongoing basis.

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The newly published ESRS (European Sustainable Reporting Standard) for the implementation of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive)

The CSRD Directive is an extension of the EU’s existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) of 2014 and aims to expand the reporting obligations of companies. The CSRD will require more companies to produce comprehensive sustainability reports. This should help companies integrate sustainability into their business strategies and ensure long-term value creation for all stakeholders. InContinue Reading >

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The EU Taxonomy Regulation new definitions of criteria for environmental objectives 3-6

General The EU Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852) was adopted in 2020 and aims to create clarity and transparency, in particular through uniform criteria for reporting and distinguishing between sustainable and non-sustainable investments, expenses and sales.. It is thus an essential part of the EU’s efforts to contribute to the European Green Deal and counteract greenwashing byContinue Reading >

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