… A PRESS RELEASE on 25 September 2023
As part of the measures of the climate and energy model region (KEM) eco-energy region Fürstenfeld, a press conference took place on 23.9.2023 at Grabher House in Fürstenfeld.

The results of the climate pioneer project were presented. Franz Niederl took part as a participant from akaryon.
Climate and model regions have been actively promoting the energy transition for years
There are around 120 climate and energy model regions (KEM) in Austria, all pursuing the same goal:
no more dependence on expensive oil imports, no more fear of gas crises – instead, clean energy production from the sun, wind, water and bioenergy from the region and, in the long term, an energy self-sufficient Austria and 100% phase-out of fossil energy.
One of the model regions since 2012 is the eco-energy region FÜRSTENFELD, already in its 3rd continuation phase.
Among the 12 measures of the KEM Fürstenfeld, measure 5 – CLIMATE BALANCING / sustainability and energy efficiency consultations in companies was in the foreground at this event.
The partner of this measure is akaryon.

Climate pioneer businesses from Fürstenfeld were brought before the curtain
After the presentation of the eco-energy region Fürstenfeld by Joachim Friessnig, model region manager of the KEM, the steps already taken in the climate financing measure were explained:
- Finding and sensitising 10 SMEs for climate accounting
- Conducting 10 survey interviews with these companies
- Development and elaboration of a report template
- Evaluation of the data and preparation of a report for each pioneer climate company
- An online workshop “CLIMATE BALANCING of the PIONIER CLIMATE COMPANIES of the KEM eco-energy region Fürstenfeld” on 20.9.2023
Participating companies and mayors of some of the participating municipalities gave personal statements, followed by a comprehensive presentation by DI Dr. Franz Niederl of akaryon on Methodology and benefits based on pioneer climate assessments in the ecoregion Fürstenfeld.

The carbon footprint of the participating companies was compiled using the ESG Cockpit – resulting in a report of approximately 30 pages each, the structure of which is based on the GHG Protocol.

EROM-Geschäftsführer DI Christian Luttenberger, Prok. Georg Nagl, MSc – Katzbeck Fenster & Türen, Bürgermeister Franz Zehner – Großwilfersdorf, Bürgermeister Manuel Weber – Rudersdorf, DI Dr. Franz Niederl – akaryon, Geschäftsführer Peter Scharmer – Druckhaus Scharmer, Vizebürgermeister Roland Gogg, KEM-Manager Mag. Joachim Friessnig, Stadtwerke-Fürstenfeld Chef DDI Dr. Franz Friedl (v.l.)
What are the next steps?
Since – in addition to the motivation from social responsibility – the formal factual concern for organisations is constantly growing for several reasons (reporting obligation ESRS, or within the framework of supply chains, for funding etc.), next steps are already planned:
- Consultations on improvement measures and funding opportunities with DI Christian Luttenberger, GF EROM (Energy Region Eastern Styria).
- New measure development for KEM – continuation to support KEM companies!