Spirit Design and akaryon would like to invite you to the final event of the Sustainnovation project. For more than a year, a project partially funded by the FFG, has been conducting research in dialogue with many stakeholders and experts on how radically sustainable innovations can increase the pace of transformation towards a more sustainable economy and society.
Companies must be ESG (Environmental Social Governance) compliant and net zero by 2050. To achieve this goal, innovations are needed in the areas of business model, processes, service and products. So a sustainable business strategy must be translated into an innovation roadmap toward net zero and achieving the other sustainability goals. We will discuss the challenges, the process and the key success factors of this journey on this day.
Why participate?
You want to know how “ready” your company is for the transformation to sustainability?
You want to learn how strategy, sustainability and innovation can be brought together and digitally supported?
You will learn about typical challenges and success factors – including quick wins – that hinder the path or make it possible in the first place!
How can all these topics be addressed in the best possible way in a “sustainnovation process”?
Main focus of the event program
Hypotheses around:
- Knowledge and awareness in all dimensions of sustainability and innovation
- Readyness check for the participants
- Analysis phase
- Workshop on sustainable innovation strategy
- Reflection and conclusion
Petra Busswald akaryon
Georg Wagner, Spirit Design
October 6, 2023, from 10 am to 3 pm
Co-Innovation Factory
Absberggasse 27/1
1100 Vienna
Travel info (german)
Invitation (german)
Please register at katerina.dimitrova@spiritdesign.com
There are limited places, therefore please register quickly