ESG-Cockpit Materiality Specialist Webinar

Materiality analysis according to ESRS with ESG-Cockpit. Target groupSpecialists and managers without in-depth prior knowledge of sustainability reporting who wish to carry out a materiality analysis in accordance with ESRS. Training objectives Scope2 double lessons online, consecutive weekly. RequirementsLaptop/desktop PC with up-to-date browser and access to the ESG- Cockpit. Costs290 € or 250 € per… Continue reading ESG-Cockpit Materiality Specialist Webinar

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WIN climate-report pioneer story on the way to VSME, ESRS and Co!

A brief recap:In February 2020, we were able to train around 30 WIN consultants at the Raiffeisenhof in Graz in digital climate accounting with the ESG cockpit . For a long time, the further process was more digital than planned due to the Corona phase… nevertheless, already in the first year, some pioneering carbon footprints… Continue reading WIN climate-report pioneer story on the way to VSME, ESRS and Co!

CLIMATE BALANCING of the pioneer climate businesses of the KEM eco-energy region Fürstenfeld

… A PRESS RELEASE on 25 September 2023 As part of the measures of the climate and energy model region (KEM) eco-energy region Fürstenfeld, a press conference took place on 23.9.2023 at Grabher House in Fürstenfeld. The results of the climate pioneer project were presented. Franz Niederl took part as a participant from akaryon. Climate… Continue reading CLIMATE BALANCING of the pioneer climate businesses of the KEM eco-energy region Fürstenfeld

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