Sustainnovation – how radical innovations succeed in the transformation to sustainability

Spirit Design and akaryon would like to invite you to the final event of the Sustainnovation project. For more than a year, a project partially funded by the FFG, has been conducting research in dialogue with many stakeholders and experts on how radically sustainable innovations can increase the pace of transformation towards a more sustainable… Continue reading Sustainnovation – how radical innovations succeed in the transformation to sustainability

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The EU Taxonomy Regulation new definitions of criteria for environmental objectives 3-6

General The EU Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852) was adopted in 2020 and aims to create clarity and transparency, in particular through uniform criteria for reporting and distinguishing between sustainable and non-sustainable investments, expenses and sales.. It is thus an essential part of the EU’s efforts to contribute to the European Green Deal and counteract greenwashing by… Continue reading The EU Taxonomy Regulation new definitions of criteria for environmental objectives 3-6

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Petra Bußwald at the 4th Sustainability Brunch in Linz

ESG reporting: Don’t just talk – do! How? Representatives of renowned institutions and companies (CTC, WU Vienna, akaryon, ICT Impact GmbH, Payer & Partner, Oberbank) reported on national and international trends, sustainability management in practice, practical ways out of the energy and climate crisis, the increasing importance of ESG in the capital sector (taxonomy) and,… Continue reading Petra Bußwald at the 4th Sustainability Brunch in Linz

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ESG – the new real estate standard

ESG scoring model for real estate assets In the web talk series ‘Future Business Case’, Petra Bußwald discusses with renowned experts the opportunities that the new real estate standard brings and how the ESG cockpit can be used sustainably here. More about this also in the social networks: Instagram: LinkedIn + Event: Xing: Twitter:

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ESG-Cockpit and Climate Alliance

We are pleased that Climate Alliance Austria now presents our ESG Cockpit as Climate Alliance “Idea of the Month” and that we have an ESG Cockpit partnership with Climate Alliance Frankfurt. akaryon and “climate alliances” from several countries have been working together for many years, after all.Together with Climate Alliance Austria – together also with… Continue reading ESG-Cockpit and Climate Alliance

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2020: The first sustainability report from the Environment Agency Austria

From the environmental statement to a comprehensive sustainability report with the ESG cockpit As the most important environmental expert in Austria and one of the leading environmental consultants in Europe, the Federal Environment Agency has drawn up an environmental declaration in recent years in which the EMAS-certified company has mapped its activities in accordance with… Continue reading 2020: The first sustainability report from the Environment Agency Austria

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The ESG cockpit with the common good module on the IÖB platform – awarded!

Public procurement that promotes innovation Under this motto, the IÖB platform is building a digital bridge between innovative companies and innovative public organizations with the innovation platform We got mail from the IÖB: ‘… Your solution“ ESG-Cockpit: CSR reporting for the common good, digitally supported ”is now available on the Innovation marketplace with the… Continue reading The ESG cockpit with the common good module on the IÖB platform – awarded!

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Apple links bonuses to social values and environmental standards

ESG standards are increasingly finding their way into high finance and the requirements of the largest international corporations: The financial targets should be pursued of course, according to the specification to the management in the Apple group. However, a further goal was defined: “high standards of value-based management” should be guaranteed, above all through compliance… Continue reading Apple links bonuses to social values and environmental standards

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On the way to binding sustainability reporting

Brigitte Frey reports on about clearly recognizable tendencies in the efforts of the EU “… That doesn’t make sense! Whom does it concern? It’s going to be way too complicated! High time! … There are many points of view on this emotionally charged topic.” The experienced auditor and current chairman of the non-financial reporting… Continue reading On the way to binding sustainability reporting

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